Weed control in orchards and vineyards

Weeding in between rows of crops with Ripagreen Thermal Lance

 · 1 min read

Removing grass and weeds from between crops can be tricky.

You have to accurately apply the control method so that you dispatch unwanted growth such as grass and other weeds whilst not causing damage to your valuable crop.

The Ripagreen Thermal Lance offers a high level of accuracy when treating area by virtue of several features.

The diffuser fitted to the delivery end of the ergonomic lance can be rotated 360 degrees allowing the direction of the heat to be chosen by the operator.

This diffuser remains cool at all times due to the force air flow design.

The long lance allows access under crop leaves leaving the operator to walk freely.

In most growing conditions the plant will display an immediate visible reaction to the heat so the operator knows precisely where treatment is being effective.

Unlike popular chemical pesticides the Ripagreen weed control solution can be used in wet weather (if the operator wants to). In fact water on the leaves helps prolong the heat on the leaves so aiding the cell bursting process at about 85 degrees centigrade.

For further details of the Ripagreen thermal control range visit the Kersten website...


You can contact us to arrange a demonstration here.... https://kerstenuk.com/contact

or call Kersten 01189869253 to find out more information.

Chris Faulkner

Chris is Managing Director of Kersten UK Ltd Interested in weed control solutions and machinery

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